Call Allwest Public Adjusters now
One of the most important decisions you can make is right before you now... a decision that can make all of the subsequent decision easier and better...
Call Allwest Adjusters at (253) 896-3700. Get someone on your side from the very start of your claim. You would be amazed how much more effective it is to get the claim resolved properly, when Allwest Adjusters is involved from the beginning, compared to "giving the company adjuster a chance first", having to go back and re-settling issues that didn't shake out in your favor. The sooner Allwest Adjusters is involved, the greater the benefit... and together, we can get the claim started out on the right foot.
Ok... Now you should take these steps!!!
If you have suffered a loss, especially a fire or water loss, these 8 steps will help make your claim as painless as possible. It may also improve the quality and outcome of your claim.
- Contact Allwest Adjusters at (253) 896-3700, or contact us through the website.
- Immediately notify your insurance company in writing that you have suffered a loss.
- Protect the property from further damage.
- Do not remove any debris or take items destroyed to the dump or otherwise dispose of them.
- Keep all receipts and other statements that substantiate costs related to the loss.
- Do NOT be led to believe that you have to use the contractor "assigned" to you. You have choices... take your time in your selection.
Get your claim started on the right foot.
Call us at (253) 896-3700!
Why settle for less?